MORFEUS tulosseminaari 10.5. Porvoossa
Seminaari järjestettiin Laurean kampuksella osoitteessa Taidetehtaankatu 1, Porvoo.
12.30 - 13.00 Ilmoittautuminen ja kahvit; Campuksen pääaula
13.00 - 13.15 Tilaisuuden avaus ja tervetuloa; Elisa Roine, TtM, palvelupäällikkö, Ennalta ehkäisevät palvelut, Lapsi- ja perhepalvelut, Porvoon kaupunki; Tila 3421
13.15 - 13.45 Tulevaisuustyöskentely - tulevaisuuskortit ja porinat - tulevaisuuskortit ja porinat; Tarja Meristö, KTT, yliopettaja, Laurea-amk; Tila 3421
13.45 - 14.15 Case-Porvoo Morfeus-hankkeessa: tavoitteita ja tuloksia: tavoitteita ja tuloksia; Tarja Kantola, FT, yliopettaja ja Tarja Meristö, Laurea-amk; Tila 3421
14.15 - 14.55 Toiminnalliset työpajat kahvin kanssa
- Prototour - Tule kokeilemaan protoa, Tila 3421
- Opinnäytetyörastit - Teemoina palvelohjaus, lastensuojeluun liittyvä tiedonkulku perusterveydenhuollossa, MORFEUS-prototyypin testaus, palvelukonsepti ja -palvelumuotoilu; Tila 2603
- Tulevaisuusteltta - Asetu Case Porvoossa tuotettuihin tulevaisuuksiin, Tila 3422
15.00 - 15.45 Keynote-esitys: Apotti – laatua lastensu; Annukka Paasivirta, VTL, Kehittämispäällikkö, Apotti Oy; Tila 3421
15.45 - 16.00 Mitä saimme aikaan Morfeuksessa ja miten tästä eteenpäin; Päivi Pöyry-Lassila, FT, yliopettaja, MORFEUS-hankkeen projektipäällikkö, Laurea-amk; Tila 3421
16.00 - Buffet-illallinen & Musiikkia; Hannu Meristö, kitara; Campuksen pääaula
Päivän puheenjohtajina toimivat Päivi Pöyry-Lassila ja Eliisa Roine
Customer-Centered Systems Intelligence in Wellbeing Service Ecosystems
Open seminar, which launched intermediate results of the research project MORFEUS
20.10.2016 / 12:00 - 15:30
Venue: Aalto Open Innovation House (OIH), Maarintie 6 (earlier Otaniementie 19), Otaniemi, Espoo
In Finland, a fundamental social and health care reform is in progress. Reform plans present counties as new organizations to bear holistic responsibility. These counties will form wellbeing service ecosystems with the obligation to realize new goals. Freedom of choice as well as co-responsibility of customers are two of these goals. However, service providers and authorities lack working methods and digital tools, which actually enable systems intelligent cross-organizational collaboration and knowledge sharing. How the measures set, for example, by legislation promote these goals in real life tends to remain unsolved.
11:45 Coffee
12:00 Welcome - Professor Riitta Smeds, Aalto University, Director of SimLab
12:10 Systems Intelligence in the Wellbeing Service Ecosystem - Professor Esa Saarinen, Aalto University Slides
13:10 Concepts and prototypes of digital tools and information modeling for future customer-centered wellbeing services - Research results presented by MORFEUS team members: Soile Pohjonen, Marika Noso and Anna Salmi (Aalto University), Lauri Majuri and Roni Nukarinen (Laurea University of Applied Sciences) Slides
14:10 Break
14:25 Future Wellbeing services in the Digital Age - from Estonian and Finnish perspectives - Madis Tiik, Senior Advisor of Sitra Slides
15:25 Closing
OIH (Open Innovation House), Otaniementie 19, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
MORFEUS is a joint cross-disciplinary research project of Aalto University (SimLab) and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (01/01/2015–30/6/2017). The partners of the research project comprehensively represent wellbeing service actors in Uusimaa from the municipality sector, the producers of wellbeing services and the producers of digital tools and consulting services.
About MORFEUS and topics for discussion in the seminar.docx
9.00 Registration and coffee
9.30 Welcome, practicalities, introductions round
10.00 MORFEUS and the idea of the seminar in the nutshell Slides
11.45 Lunch
12.45 Judith Gregory: On Becoming Data Citizens in Contemporary and Future Wellbeing Service Ecosystems
13.30 Arja Peiponen: Remodeling the social and health care services in Helsinki Slides
14.15 Coffee
14.30 Contract Simplification
This session is organized together with the Contract Management Special Interest Group (CM SIG-9) of Project Management Association Finland (PMAF) and the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM) Finland.
The speakers have explored new ways to communicate complex information, both in theory and in practice. Contract simplification is applicable to all information sharing.
Tim Cummins: Commercial agility and creativity through contract simplification Slides
Rob and Jenny Waller: Simplifying contracts through language and design, Experiences and challenges Slides
Helena Haapio: From conventional to useful, usable contracts Slides
Stefania Passera: Contract framing and its impact on relationships Slides
17.30- Buffet
9.00 Coffee
9.30 Peeter Ross: Patient portal (Personal Health Record) based on Estonian experience since 2007 Slides
10.15 Madis Tiik: ICT Components for wellbeing services Slides
11.00 Beverly B. Tyler: The divergent goals of the various sector partners in collaboration between government, universities and providers Slides
11.50 Lunch
12.50 Workshop – Main facilitators Jenny and Rob Waller Slides
Sauli Suominen: Case management – a bridge between the lifeworld of the client and the system world of the professional Slides
Coffee in the workshop
Developing further prototypes of views, dashboards and blocks of customers, case managers and decision makers. What kind of information different actors need? How the information is structured in the dashboards? Contract simplification session on Wednesday will introduce methods, which are useful in the workshop.
16.00 End discussion
17.00 Closure
15.9.2015 Contracting and Collaboration in Inter-Organizational Business Processes – Digital facilitation tools
Discussion seminar on the development of contracts as collaboration tools.
Location: SimLab Simulation laboratory, 1. Floor, Open Innovation House (OIH), Otaniementie 19-21, Espoo
Presentations to preface the discussion by:
- Tim Cummins, CEO, IACCM (International Association for Contract & Commercial Management) Slides (pptx) Slides (pdf)
- CoCoNet research project, SimLab, researchers Anne Kokkonen, Rita Lavikka and Teemu Lehtinen (Rita Lavikka’s recent doctoral thesis at
Seminar slides (pptx) Seminar slides (pdf) (CoCoNet, MORFEUS, SimLab)
1.9. 2015 Contracting and Collaboration in Public Procurement Contracting Processes
Hankkeen vieraana Master of Legal Management Program, Hogeschool of Amsterdam, keskustelun aiheena julkisten hankintojen sopimustoiminnan tutkimuksemme.