Kantola, T. & Meristö, T. (2017). Research and Development Activity as a Source for Inspirational Learning). Paper presented for the OLKC 2017 Conference - Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities: Inspirational Learning. In Valladolid, Spain. 26-28 April, 2017.


Meristö, T. & Kantola, T. (2016). Worry Management - a Future-Oriented Management Innovation of Wellbeing Services. Paper accepted and will be presented by T. Meristö for the 2016 ISPIM Innovation Summit. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-7 December 2016.

Meristö, T., Kantola, T., & Lankinen-Lifländer, M. (2016). Smart Tools and Service Opportunities for Child Protection Ecosystem in the Future. Case Family View. The paper presented by T. Meristö in RESER 2016 Conference in Naples, Italy, September 2016. The paper is published in RESER Conference Proceedings. http://www.reser2016.com/proceedings---outcomes-1.html

Pöyry-Lassila, P., Kantola, T., Noso, M., Pohjonen, S., Meristö, T. & Lankinen-Lifländer, M. (2016). Co-creating Well-being Services in Ecosystems: Two Case Studies. Paper presented by T. Kantola in RESER 2016 Conference in Naples, in September 2016. The paper is published in RESER Conference Proceedings. http://www.reser2016.com/proceedings---outcomes-1.html

Kantola, T., Rinne, S., Pöyry-Lassila, P. & Salmi, A. (2015). Tieto ja tietämisen katveet ja jännitteet lastensuojelun palveluiden yhteiskehittelyssä. Lastensuojelutiedon jännitteet – II lastensuojelun tutkimuspäivät 8.- 9.10.2015, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki.

Meristö, T. (2015). Mistä sen olisi voinut tietää? Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen viitekehyksestä apua ennakoivaan saumattomaan hyvinvointipolkuun lastensuojelussa. Lastensuojelutiedon jännitteet – II lastensuojelun tutkimuspäivät 8.- 9.10.2015, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki.

Pöyry-Lassila, P., Kantola, T., & Salmi, A. Encounters15 Conference: Unexpected Encounters – Senses and Touching in Services and Care. Fourth Encounters Conference, 17-19 March 2015, Porvoo Finland. Poster "Gaming as an Enabler of Multivoicedness at the Initiating Stage of Collaboration in a Wellbeing Service Ecosystem"